STK 12.7 Feature highlights

Satellite Collection

You can now use Satellite Collection objects as endpoints for object lines in the 2D and 3D Graphics windows.
You can now create a Satellite Collection object from a set of SP3 files (often used to model satellite navigational systems).
Satellite Collection subset graphics options can now be saved to the default Satellite Collection file, allowing for subsets to be shown automatically when new Satellite Collection objects are created.
You can now create your own Satellite Collection subset from the Satellite Collection Definition properties page using a new Add button and the accompanying dialog box. For instance, you may create subsets based on filters derived from metadata contained in the database used to define the Satellite Collection.

Terrain Analysis

When the terrain server is enabled for computing AzEl masks and/or line-of-sight terrain mask computations, STK now uses the Geospatial Content Server (GCS) for computations involving terrain. Previously, GCS only provided terrain tiles for visualization purposes.
A new setting has been added for Facilities, Places, and Targets, to control the computation of an AzEl mask using terrain data. You can now specify a maximum (ground) range to consider when sampling the terrain. This allows you to choose the appropriate distance for the situation being modeled. Additionally, the default value is now 50 km, whereas in previous versions, STK used 167.8 km. This new default distance makes the computation of the mask faster, while generally remaining accurate enough for most use cases.


The STK Python API has been improved to provide better IDE support (Intellisense) for enumeration values and the packages now make use of files. The code previously in agi/stk12/stkobjects/, agi/stk12/stkobjects/aviator/, and agi/stk12/stkengine/ has been moved to the corresponding in their respective folders.
The Export Ephemeris/Attitude Tool, available for all vehicles, now supports exporting ephemeris in more reference frames. The TrueOfDate frame is now available as a frame choice for all central bodies. The TEMEOfDate frame is now available when the central body is Earth, and the the MeanEarth frame is now available when the central body is the Moon. The CCSDS and CCSDSv2 formats also support TEMEOfDate as a frame choice when the central body is Earth.
STK now supports the use of the AFSPC SP DLL, version 8.x, as a propagator. Note: AGI provides only the interface to the propagator. AGI cannot provide the actual AFSPC SP DLL, which is only available to authorized users from Contact customer support for additional installation guidance if needed.
You can now specify mask reference axes for AzEl and Body masks used by sensors. The azimuth and elevation values in the file are no longer restricted to be measured relative to the parent’s body frame, though the parent body axes remains the default when you do not specify the axes in the file. Masks may now be defined relative to any reference frame associated with the parent object.
You can now choose the UpVector option for sensor pointing. This option constrains the sensor’s X axis to the direction of the specified vector, offset by a clock angle.
STK now supports all ITRF frame versions during import and export of ephemeris that model the Earth’s Fixed frame differently. The differences in position computed using different ITRF frames are very often less than 10cm, but older frames (e.g., ITRF1993) may differ by up to one (1) meter from newer ones (i.e., ITRF2020) and newer ones may differ on the order of millimeters from each other.
The ITRF axes and system have been added to Analysis Workbench for the Earth central body. The axes and system are fully equivalent to the Earth’s Fixed axes/system.
STK save and load dialogs now support modern Windows capabilities, as well as, a modern look and feel.
Pasting an SDF URL into the file selection dialog now properly reflects the file selection in the dialog tree.
The Component Browser now provides the means to designate a component as a User Collection component, which enables you to apply it to other scenarios.

ansys stk 12.7