IDEA StatiCa Version 23.1 brings you many new steel and concrete features. These come from customer requests and our dedication to driving innovation in structural design, while saving your time, money, and reputation!
Version 23.1 highlights
For steel, we did a lot in error-proofing and reporting – welds, load position, and detailing checks. IDEA StatiCa Member now has an input wizard and the ability to select rigid supports, dramatically speeding up your inputs and limiting errors. The fire design of connections also includes calculating the temperatures automatically.

IDEA StatiCa Connection now generates IFC files, including all bolts, welds, and materials. Structural engineers can share connection designs with detailers. Our cloud app, Connection Library, the world’s largest online database of steel connections, allows downloading and reusing connection files in the desktop app.

IDEA StatiCa Detail, our solution for the structural design of concrete walls and details, has undergone a complete user interface refactoring. New facelift of icons and ribbon, new modeling commands, better 3D scene, and more reporting options, all of which make your work much faster.

Steel connection design
Export of an IFC file from IDEA StatiCa Connection
Fire resistance – automatic temperature calculation
Welds – autodesign, input, warnings, visualization
The coherent icons and ribbon of IDEA StatiCa Connection
Connection Library – the world’s largest database of downloadable steel connections
Shear force position input and visualization (since patch 23.0.5)
Yield strength reduction for high-strength steel hollow sections
Warning for welds and bolts connecting the same plates (since patch 23.0.4)
Filler plate (packing plate) recognition (since patch 23.0.3)
Detailing improvements for bolts and welds in Eurocode (since patch 23.0.2)
Limitations to checks of anchors (since patch 23.0.2)
Detailed calculation of connection design material values displayed in the plates’ result table
AISC steel and bolt grade materials for AISC360-22 (since patch 23.0.4)
Steel member design
Member – rigid support member (RSM)
Strengthening of existing steel members
Modeling wizard for typical use-cases in Steel Member
Singularity detection in Member (since patch 23.0.3)
Design of walls, details, and cross-sections
Intuitive ribbon and navigation system for IDEA StatiCa Detail, including,
Tree of entities, containing all elements of the model in one place
Ability to add, copy, delete, or rename entities easily
Filterable specific rebar elements for clarity
Sortable entities in the tree based on your selected hierarchy
Easy-to-find tools help you design reinforcement
Interaction code-check advancements in RCS (since patch 23.0.2)
Importing reinforcements from DXF files in IDEA StatiCa Detail
Bond model for SLS in Detail
BIM links and education
BIM links reduce modeling time, decrease the number of copy-paste errors, and overcome any issues with data transference. In version 23.1, you can now access our new BIM link with SDS2 by Allplan as well as an IDEA StatiCa plugin for the Rhino Grasshopper tool.

IDEA StatiCa Grasshopper plugin
BIM link with SDS2 by Allplan
UX features in parametric design (since patch 23.0.2)
BimApi solution for AXIS VM 7, Robot Structural Analysis (since patch 23.0.1)
API/developer documentation website
Check the compatibility with your software in the list of supported versions in 23.1
To help you master IDEA StatiCa, we redesigned Campus, which provides you with self-paced e-learning courses, each with the option of obtaining professional-level certification.

IDEA StatiCa v23.1