TESSY – Test System
Automated testing of embedded software
TESSY automates the whole unit test cycle including regression testing for your embedded software in C/C++ on different target systems. As an easy-to-install and easy to operate testing tool TESSY guides you through the unit test workflow from the project setup through the test design and execution to the result analysis and reporting. TESSY takes additionally care of the complete test organization as well as the test management, including requirements, coverage measurement, and traceability.

The following figure describes TESSY’s core feature. If you want to learn more about TESSY, please contact us.

V-model TESSY
Manage your test project
The TESSY test project management feature provides the possibilty to define an individual test project structure based on collections and folders, to define environment variables, and to configure your desired compiler/debugger with the help of the integrated Test Environment Editor. The coverage results are displayed directly within the project structure and the test results are stored within test runs which allows keeping former (successful) results for reporting while continuing to work on test cases and test data.

Define, link and trace requirements
TESSY provides a basic management of requirements in a document structure. Furthermore it is possible to import Requirements from Requirement Management Tools, e.g. from DOORS and Polarion via ReqIF, CVS, and XML files. Requirement and validation results may also be exported into XML and ReqIF format. Reference mechanisms from test cases back to the requirements allow easy coverage analysis and reports as well as impact analysis of requirements changes. Tests (in detail modules, test objects and test cases) may be linked to requirements within a convenient requirements coverage view.

Design test cases within the Classification Tree Editor (CTE)
Design test cases using the Classification Tree Method (CTM) and apply the CTM within the graphical user interface of the Classification Tree Editor (CTE). Since the CTE is integrated in TESSY it is easy to set the values needed in the TESSY test process (e.g. input/output) directly within the CTE.

tessy v5.1