Mass Frontier 8.1 has just been released!
New Features and improvements are listed below
New SledgeHammer fragmentation algorithm
Increased coverage for negative mode compounds
Increased speed of fragmentation
2,068 additional fragmentation schemes (54,139)
Additional general fragmentation schemes
Export custom fragmentation libraries.
Use isotopically labeled atoms in fragment pathways
Structure editor
Custom adducts
Draw structures with multiple charges on multiple atoms
Increased the limit of the number of atoms that can be drawn
Custom isotopes
Import/Export structures with SMILES ID
Additional drawing features (bond colors, directional stereobonds, multiple radicals)
Import .sdf file into curator
Curation specifics are aligned with myLibrary
Data Manager
Quick filter/search spectral libraries (RT/RI, compound class, metadata, structure
Save multiple compounds from a library to a single file
Chromatogram processor
Copy spectrum to new mzCloud
Improved speed when preforming structure and substructure searches
GC-MS support
Component detection for GC MS1 data
Use RI for library filtering/search