Groundwater Flow & Contaminant Transport Modeling Software
Visual MODFLOW Flex brings together industry-standard codes for groundwater flow and contaminant transport, essential analysis and calibration tools, and stunning 3D visualization capabilities in a single environment.

Build models faster and more efficiently

Model inputs and grid design can be updated at any point in the modeling process as modeling objectives change, more data are collected and a better understanding of the sub-surface is achieved.
Modeling steps are conveniently presented in an intuitive, workflow-driven graphical user interface: see current and completed steps, and steps you need to finish.
GIS-based 3D conceptual modeling and numerical modeling all within a single integrated software environment. This reduces costly 3rd party pre-processing tools, and eliminates transfer errors.
Build larger, more complex credible models

Equipped to handle vast quantities of detailed, high resolution data. Simulate large and complex regional-scale groundwater systems.
Model inputs and outputs can be easily visualized alongside raw GIS field data in 3D, allowing credibility by demonstrating numerical model data generation (model layers, flow parameters, recharge data) from conceptual data (borehole logs, GIS data).
Unique design permits easy side-by-side comparisons of multiple models allowing you to assess alternative modeling scenarios, grid indiscretions and hydro-geologic interpretations.

Powerful Data Visualization

Built and designed on the latest in 3D visualization technology, Visual MODFLOW Flex allows you to effectively present and communicate your data to colleagues and stakeholders with impressive visual renderings of your hydrogeologic model.

Visualize all data, including conceptual objects, numerical grids, input data (property zones, boundary condition cells) and output data (calculated heads, pathlines, water table) in state-of-the-art 2D, 3D and multi-view (FlexViewer) displays.
Create cut-away and cross-sectional views that allow you to see inside your model.
Generate 3D animations and movies for reports or the web, and optimized OpenGL graphics for enhanced hardware rendering.
Add isolines, contours, pathlines and color shading to viewers.
Drape raster images (site maps, satellite imagery) over 3D surfaces to show relief

Waterloo Visual Modflow Flex v9.0