PCSWMM 2023 Professional Advanced modeling software for stormwater, wastewater, watershed and water distribution systems.

PCSWMM will help improve your new water supply, drainage and green infrastructure design, floodplain delineation, sewer overflow mitigation, water quality and integrated catchment analysis, 1D-2D modeling – and much, much more. Easy to learn, PCSWMM expands with you as your confidence grows.

PCSWMM is built to accommodate your existing software ecosystem – and with its open standard data formats, sharing your work with clients and colleagues is effortless. PCSWMM’s open source engine is far from a black box, so you can confidently work with transparent and trusted code.

Native support for 50+ GIS/CAD layer formats
Create, open, edit and export the most popular GIS vector, raster and grid formats. Import, copy and paste entities between layers. Render and query any layer based on inputs, results or user-defined parameters.
Supports virtually all projection/coordinate systems
Create accurate models anywhere in the world with over 4,500 predefined coordinate systems, on the fly reprojecting, layer rectification and coordinate system conversion tools.
Full suite of topological tools
Benefit from GIS tools optimized for your water management modeling needs including area-weighting, buffering, clipping, Theissen-polygon generation, auto-connectivity, spatial auditing and many more.
Terrain grid (DEM) support
Estimate surface slopes, extract DEM elevations, delineate watersheds, sample transects, edit features, burn streams, and even create your own digital elevation models.
Automated watershed delineation
Use high-resolution DEMs to quickly discretize and parameterize models; create detailed catchment networks with hydraulic routing incorporated.
Bing Maps, OpenStreetMaps and WMS map services
Instantly georeference your model with free background tile map services from Microsoft and OSM and support for Web Map Services.

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