TNavigator is a powerful software for dynamically simulating oil and gas reservoirs. This plan is a joint effort between researchers and the RFD development team. It can be installed on personal systems, laptops, servers, and even HPC clusters. This program is written in C++and uses the latest parallel processing technology and hardware accelerator in coding. The processing speed and performance of this program are directly proportional to the hardware capabilities of the host system.

Of course, if you run the application on a cluster system with multiple processing cores, you will find that the speed of simulation and processing operations is greatly improved. No technology has been used to maximize the processing speed of complex models, and NUMA, hyper threading, MPI/SMP hybrid computing, etc. have been well utilized. All of these technologies have been used to provide optimal performance for programs and to a large extent surpass other competitors.

On the product introduction page, interactive simulation is one of the main features of the product. In fact, unlike other simulation tools, this product not only allows real-time monitoring of tank simulation operations, but also allows users to change their requirements and parameters with a few mouse clicks. View the results. This is beneficial for the simulation and parameter research of oil and gas reservoirs, and of course, it can save a lot of time. If you are involved in the tank simulation process or even need to study the final paper, we recommend using tNavigator as one of the top tools in this field.

The main new features of tNavigator 23 include:

The latest version of Rock Flow Dynamic flagship product tNavigator 23.2

TNavigator has long been considered a powerful tool for reservoir engineers and geologists, providing accurate modeling and simulation of complex reservoir behavior. The latest version has brought significant improvements to all modules, enhancing the overall functionality of the software.

The updates and improvements have affected the simulator kernel and GUI, AHM and uncertainty modules, geological and model designers, seismic and fracture simulators, networks, oil well and PVT designers, material balance analyzers, and a part of resource sharing.

Main new features in 23.2:

Simulator Core:

Now supports calculations on NVIDIA Hopper graphics cards. According to the manufacturer’s statement, it uses CUDA 11.8 and does not require driver updates.

For the E2 format composition model with the CO3STORE option, different activity coefficient models can now be used to consider the effect of salt on CO2 dissolution in water.

For component models, the Sphere and Pruess models can be used to simulate CO2 dissolution in water.

We now support a new equation of state: CPA SRK. It allows the description of systems with strong self association, especially natural gas hydrates in reservoirs.

The lagged rock compaction option (ROCKTABH) is now available for thermal modeling.

Simulator graphical user interface:

A new setting has been added to automatically run the graphic calculator script after the model calculation is completed.

Auxiliary historical matching and uncertainty:

It is now possible to apply variable influence to objects localized by user-defined regions.

Geological designer:

You can now manually set the linetype of the well trajectory in the 2D and profile windows, or set it based on their distance from the profile.

A new object titled “Well Value Information” has been added to the tNavigator project tree to store time related information on the well.

Added a new object: impregnation. It stores information about azimuth, dip angle, and 3D coordinates, independent of any well dip angle, unlike a well dip angle. Dips can be visualized on 2D and 3D tabs, imported/exported in various formats, and modified using a Dips calculator.

Added a new calculation for creating the horizon: dividing the horizon by contour lines. Isolines can be represented by point sets or (and) surfaces.


When importing ZGY files or 2D seismic data, they can be assigned a coordinate reference system (CRS) that is different from the engineering CRS.

Model Designer:

Several variations in the parameters related to relative magnetic permeability (RP) are reflected in the ability to perform multiple edits.

PVT transformation is reflected in the ability to create and edit using correlations.

You can now create and modify IPR curves.

You can now create stacked diagrams in the graphic template.

Fracture simulator:

The tubing specifications and perforation intervals of the oil well designer can now be used in fracturing simulators.

Network designer:

The graphic calculator has been implemented.

A new surface network object called “heat exchanger” has been added to simulate heat transfer between two media.

For independent models and models integrated through connections, the fluid flow rate in the pipeline can now be controlled through user selected well settings.

Oil well designer:

Now supports the calculation of Dietz shape factor. The shape factor allows for the calculation of the influence of the well position in any geometric shape of the drainage area of the Darcy and Forchheimer IPR models.

Material balance analyzer:

On the Scheme tab, you can now create aquifers and wells and connect them to the reservoir.

The historical matching between the relative permeability curve parameters and the production history data of the oil well is now provided.

PVT Designer:

The model using the CO2STORE option supports the calculation of NaCl and CaCl2 salt precipitation.

A new equation of state, Soave Redlich Kwong and CPA, is now supported.

Micro lotion (water oil surfactant) can now be set by calculating its properties, visualized on the ternary diagram, and taken into account in the PVT calculator experiment.
