RTX64 is a key component of the IntervalZero RTOS Platform that supports determinism or hard real-time on multi-core processors while co-resident with the Windows operating system.  The combined solutions deliver a world-class user experience yet outperform real-time hardware such as DSPs, FPGAs, and MCUs and reduce the development costs for systems that require determinism or hard real-time. Symmetric multiprocessing-enabled RTX64 takes full advantage of 64-bit memory and performance capabilities. Uniquely, the RTX64 RTOS scheduler enables embedded real-time applications to directly access the 512GB of addressable physical memory available on 64-bit Windows. This is critical to modern-day real-time systems and represents a gigantic leap from the 4GB physical memory limit of traditional 32-bit Windows systems. The 4GB barrier has stymied innovation in many industries that depend on real-time systems and that require memory access far beyond 4GB.

    • Guaranteed Precision – set timer periods down to 1 microsecond, and Interrupt Service Thread (IST) latencies of less than 10 microseconds 
    • Separation from Windows – Windows processes cannot interfere with real-time applications 
    • Scalability – one scheduler is used across all real-time processors. Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) aware scheduler utilizes both priority-driven and pre-emptive algorithms to ensure critical thread context switches; and yields to threads of high priority occur in the sub-microsecond range


    • Flexibility to configure how much real-time processing capability is used (1 to 63 processors) 
    • Full control of real-time process threads with the ability to load balance as needed. RTX64 provides the ability to set thread and interrupt affinities 
    • With Windows failure, shutdown handlers allow RTX64 applications to continue to a safe shutdown 


    • Use a single operating system for applications. RTX64 is supported on Windows 10 
    • Use commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) target system; no special hardware required 
    • Use one development environment – Visual studio 2015, 2017, and 2019 
    • Use common languages (C/C++) for Windows and real-time applications 
    • Use common Win32 API; same code can be run as a Windows or real-time process 
    • Use managed code for Windows application and still communicate with your real-time applications 
    • No driver model to follow; the real-time process can talk directly to hardware 
    • Use standard IPC communication between Windows applications and real-time processes (events, mutexes, and semaphores) 
    • Use shared memory between Windows and real-time process for sharing of data

Reduce Costs

    • Eliminate additional system to perform the HMI 
    • Eliminate proprietary controller and communications cards 
    • Improved asset utilization: Take advantage of underused multi-core capacity
    • Reduced manufacturing costs and fewer physical parts Improve 


    • Eliminate some inventory costs and reduce maintenance costs 
    • Field upgrades are accomplished through software download rather than board replacement